Thursday, March 26, 2009

[ALTERNATIVES] unit summary

Ritual Shape Buildings and Building Shape Rituals

         In the churches circles are a very sacred form and symbol because it is the connector from earth and heaven.  In the Church of the Nativity around the center of the cross is a circle.  With it being on the alter, the circle allows the focus point to be the cross.  There are also circles found in the designs of Santa Constanza and Hagia Sophia.  Also being developed from a circle pattern is a dome.  It allows light to come into churches.  In the church of the Holy Sepulchre a dome is the sacred burial spot, but still has function.  The courtyard separates the dome and the basilica where the people gather in one area so they can hear.  After a while architects and designers started to test the boundaries and break rules of the normal rituals and go outside the box.  

The Duomo, in Florence, Italy, shows the rebirth of antiquity, individualism, and humanism.  It rediscovers the natural world and is a reglorification of the state as a work of art. The Venezia is known as the city of floating stone, where you can find Santa Maria della Salute, while there is still a dome on this church it is a pilgrimage church inside a city.  The Doge’s Palace, in Venice, is designed to resemble lace. Glass and lace were important materials in Italy.  Filippo Calendario’s design did a good job in doing so.  Piazza San Marco is the principal square of Venice.  It is the only urban space called a piazza in Venice.

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